Getting Started
Get started with Chirpy basics in this comprehensive overview. You will learn how to install, configure, and use your first Chirpy-based website, as well as deploy it to a web server.
Get started with Chirpy basics in this comprehensive overview. You will learn how to install, configure, and use your first Chirpy-based website, as well as deploy it to a web server.
This tutorial will guide you how to write a post in the Chirpy template, and it’s worth reading even if you’ve used Jekyll before, as many features require specific variables to be set. Naming and...
Examples of text, typography, math equations, diagrams, flowcharts, pictures, videos, and more.
Android P(28)升级注意点: 1、限制明文(http)传输 建议修改成https,如要支持http传输,则在配置文件AndroidManifest.xml中 的节点中加上: android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" 例如: <application xmlns:tools="
光栅图形学算法 像素点是离散的,每个像素点按行列式排布。 像素点坐标都是整数。 以下代码是示意代码,未验证 直线段扫描转换 P0(x0,y0) P_0(x_0,y_0)P0(x0,y0)`、`Pi(xi,yi)P_i(x_i,y_i)Pi(xi,yi) => y=kx+b y = kx + by=kx+b k=(yi−y0)(xi−x0)(xi≠x0) k =...
iOS Exception -(BOOL)install{ if(NSGetUncaughtExceptionHandler() != custom_exceptionHandler) oldhandler = NSGetUncaughtExceptionHandler(); if(self->_handlerEnable){ ...
split分包 首先是splits命令,这个命令可以按照各种规则去分包,比如按照abi,屏幕密度(即ldpi,hdpi等)分包。 语法如下: splits { abi { enable true reset() include 'x86' exclude 'armeabi', ...
什么是IL2CPP? IL2CPP的技术有两个不同的部分。 An ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler A runtime library to support the virtual machine AOT编译器将中间语言(IL)(.NET编译器的低层输出)转换为C ++源代码。运行时库提供服务和抽象,如垃圾收集器,对线程和文件...
编译并安装到设备 @echo off gradle assembleDebug && adb install -r build\outputs\apk\debug\CurlCompatibility-debug.apk && pause pause 测试设备是否支持Andorid 64bit (安装指定的CPU架构) :: Command Line...
iOS-Performance-Optimization 关于iOS 性能优化梳理: 基本工具、业务优化、内存优化、卡顿优化、布局优化、电量优化、 安装包瘦身、启动优化、网络优化等 iOS 官方文档 专题内容比较多,后面细分内容会有部分重复。 Performance 专题 Core Animation Programming Guide iOS 性能优化相关书籍...